Improve and Better Predict Revenue Results
Why guess? Gain visibility into daily activity in order to better predict and improve revenue results.
Leading vs. Lagging Indicators
Organizations typically measure performance based on percent to quota and revenue. Both are lagging indicators – once you have those metrics it’s too late to change them. They are really important, and play a major role in success, but so much takes place in order to get to the end result.
Prodoscore provides leading indicators. Leading indicators are input oriented and can be influenced pretty easily. By aggregating data from all your cloud business tools and generating a simple score, Prodoscore gives leaders a clear understanding of performance on a daily basis. That data indicates future success and allows leaders to track progress throughout the month or quarter, not once they’re over.
Areas of Opportunity
- View & compare employee scores over various periods of time to identify trends and areas for improvement
- Encourage healthy competition among employees
- Step in to provide guidance before employees miss their goals, not once it’s too late
- Create transparency between employees and managers about workload and daily activity
- Keep employees engaged by implementing a tool that brings visibility to productivity
- Find ways to work smarter, not just harder
When it comes to sales, activity leads to opportunity, which ultimately leads to revenue. So, finding ways to increase the right activities can improve performance.