Empower Your Workforce: The Ultimate Employee Engagement Platform

Employee Engagement Data that Helps You Understand Your Tech Stack

Tech stacks have become cumbersome and unwieldy. The platforms you think are increasing efficiency might be overburdening your team and decreasing their engagement. Even worse, you’re spending valuable resources to keep these platforms up and running. With countless API integrations, Prodoscore gives employers engagement insights that create a holistic picture of how employees and teams interact with specific tools and company software. Access to those insights can also help drive the adoption of new technology platforms.

Using Machine Learning, AI, & Natural Language Processing, Prodoscore’s employee engagement solution measures thousands of daily activity points across core business applications like your office suite, CRM, phone system, and others. Our proprietary scoring system produces key indicators, digestible in seconds, so leaders can make well-informed decisions rooted in employee engagement data. With visibility and actionable digital employee engagement data, Prodoscore enables leadership teams to realize sizable cost savings by simply understanding what employee engagement tools are being used and how.

Business man working on laptop with digital engagement data

Visualize Organizational Data Trends

Our platform focuses on the metrics that matter and merges data from your business applications into an easy-to-use data visualization dashboard, presenting it as a simple score. We give you the tools to visualize employee data trends in real time and across time so you can make informed business decisions.

Prodoscore chart for departments
Average Prodoscore ranked by weekday
Employee engagement on Prodoscore dashboard

Visualize Organizational Data Trends

Employee surveillance just produces junk data. Our platform focuses on actually increasing employee engagement and merges engagement data from your business applications into an easy-to-use dashboard, presenting it as a simple score. We give you the tools to visualize employee engagement over time so you can make informed business decisions. Employee engagement data also helps create transparent relationships without awkward one-on-ones by showcasing employee contributions, unreasonable workloads, and team collaboration.
How it Works

Location-Based Workplace Productivity

Productivity monitoring tools to gain insight into how employees are engaged remotely vs. in-office.

Endless Integrations

Cloud-based API integration means that employee activity data can be captured from multiple devices vs. just a laptop, enabling more flexibility for employees.
More integrations

Enterprise-Level Employee Data Solutions Icon

Enterprise-Level Employee Data Solutions

Access engagement and productivity data by department, day and location to understand daily/weekly/monthly data trends, workloads, and more.

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Visualize Employee Patterns

Gauge productivity patterns over a specific period of time to identify busy and slow days, tool usage and productivity by weekday.
Product Features

Replicate Optimal Productivity

Identify behaviors and trends to replicate success and visualize how top performers spend their days.

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Social Network Icon

Social Network

Visualize how employees are connected, how they communicate, and what influence they have on each other.
More on Social Network

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Because great employees need insight, not oversight